viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2007

homenaje a Don Luis

A Don Luis:
Quiero dedicar estas líneas, a un compañero folflorista, que por estos días esta pasando duros momentos. Quiero además que lo conozcan pk, personas como él, quedan pocas.
Amante de la guitarra, folklorista de corazón.
Les pido que oren por él, para que pueda seguir entregándolos su sabiduría, alegría y humildad,la que poseen, sólo los grandes como él.

martes, 4 de septiembre de 2007

traditional Chilean games

Teaching about Chilean Culture to foreign people

Traditional Chilean Games

There are several traditional Chilean games and toys in Chile, but games most important are these!... to celebrate the National day of chile...(in september 18)

El Trompo (Top)
The traditional Chilean top is made of wood and has a metal prong sticking out of the end. String or twine is coiled around the top. Kids will play with their tops in the streets. Some games include trying to keep the top spinning in a defined circle. Others launch their tops and try to knock competitor's tops out of the circle.

El Volantín (Kite)
Kite flying is a favorite pastime in Chile. Chileans like to make their own kites from balsa wood and tissue paper. These are then attached to large spools of rope as seen in the picture. One competition that people play with kites is to try and cut down another's kite. This is done by flying your kite such that your string wraps around that of another and cuts their line. Real competitors often coat their string in glass to increase their chances of earning a victory known as a commission.

El Emboque
The name emboque comes from the Spanish verb embocar which means "to put into the mouth." This toy consists of a wooden bell shaped with a hole in the bottom attached at the top by a string to a wooden stick. The stick fits into hole in the bottom of the bell. The objective is to get the bell to flip up from a hanging position and fall onto the end of the stick. It can be quite challenging!

written by Ana Salgado B.